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Experience a truly unforgettable moment with our private boat rental service in Puerto Aventuras, specially designed for marriage proposals. Sail through the turquoise waters and discover the perfect setting for a romantic engagement under the blue sky and in front of dazzling landscapes.

Upon boarding, you will be greeted with a glass of champagne and flowers, creating an intimate and elegant atmosphere. Our expert crew ensures discretion and exceptional service, making sure every detail is carefully planned to surprise your loved one. You can choose the perfect moment for the proposal, whether at sunset with the sun setting on the horizon, or under a starry sky that adds magic to the moment.

We offer customizable options that include music of your choice, a gourmet dinner prepared onboard by a private chef, and thematic decoration that reflects your desires and personality. Capture this unique moment with a professional photo session, ensuring that the emotions and the setting are remembered forever.

Let us help you create a spectacular and memorable marriage proposal, in one of the most romantic places in the world.

Regular price $700.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $700.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
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