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Embark on an elegant voyage as you indulge in our Wine Tasting adventure, set against the beautiful backdrop of Puerto Aventuras Bay. As your yacht or catamaran rests on the calm waters, embark on a journey through the world’s finest vineyards with a sophisticated selection of reds and whites.

Our sommelier will present you with an array of wines, carefully chosen to delight the palate and enhance your knowledge of oenology. The interactive session provides insights into the subtleties of each variety, from the robust richness of a full-bodied red to the delicate crispness of a refreshing white.

This 2-3 hour experience is not just a tasting—it's a celebration of the senses. With each pour, you'll feel more connected to the wine's heritage and the artistry behind it, all while basking in the luxurious setting of your private charter.

So, let the gentle sway of Puerto Aventuras Bay be your companion as you toast to the good life aboard, where every glass tells a story and the horizon is your canvas.

Regular price $500.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $500.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
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