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Set sail to the serene waters of Puerto Aventuras Bay and anchor into luxury with exclusive Tequila Tasting service, offered as an exquisite add-on to your yacht or catamaran charter. In the calm embrace of the bay, enjoy a 2-3 hour sojourn into the world of Mexico's legendary spirit.

While the vessel rests gently upon the tranquil sea, an interactive presentation in English unfolds the vibrant narrative of tequila. Your expert host, well-versed in the elixir's lore and layers, guides you through a curated selection of tequilas, from the zest of a blanco to the mellowness of a well-aged añejo.

As Puerto Aventuras Marina fades into the backdrop, each sip combines with the rhythmic lull of the bay, enriching your understanding and appreciation of this fine beverage. This immersive experience is not just a tasting; it's a cultural journey steeped in tradition and refined by the luxury of your private vessel.

Reserve your moment and discover tequila's soul in the heart of the Riviera Maya, where every taste is a treasure and the bay's beauty is your intimate tasting room.

Regular price $500.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $500.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.
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